Saturday 26 January 2013

Check storage capacity of fake USB flash drive
This can be done in case you find that the USB drive you purchased does not have prescribed capacity, written on the pack.
Here are the steps to find whether the real capasity is 8GB or not. (Works pretty well for other storage capacities too).
Normally The product shows itself as 8GB under Windows XP.
To find the stick’s capacity, read & write speeds:
1. Download the free version of the tool
Bart’s Stuff Test 5
Version 5.1.4
(Search in Google)
2. Before plugging in your flash drive, Disable the Autorun feature of Windows XP.
3. Plug the stick into an USB port (Warning: Make sure you have your AntiVirus updated).
4. Don’t open anything on the stick. Do not doubleclick on the stick.
5. Format the stick to get rid of any potential viruses or malicious tools.
6. Run Bart’s Stuff and select the stick under “Folder”
7. Start the test. It will write a sequential file that will fill the stick up to > 90% of it’s capacity and then it does read back the written data.
8. Check the Bart’s stuff status written total when you get an error message like this: “An Error occurred. WriteFile returned an Error. There is not enough space on the disk”.
If the stick ran out of space at 4 GB exactly, Bart’s Stuff filled the stick up to 52 % of it’s fake capacity. But: Since the FAT32 maximum supported file size is 4GB, this method would not work on flash drives with more than 4GB of capacity. Larger size sticks should be filled up with large files that are compared against their originals to see if some errors occur.
Hence it shows that the USB stick is fake.
Here is an another indication that proves the stick is fake:
Windows XP sees it as 7.95 GB capacity with 8,539,680,768 bytes. This is too much reported space.
Normally, 8GB stick is reported by Windows XP has 7.73 GB capacity with 8,304,717,824 bytes. Since flash drives always give you less than the advertised storage space.
There is another very useful utility that can help to check for fake USB sticks, it’s called H2testw ( Can be be downloaded at the downloads section of ). The program Measures the write and read speed. On fake 8 GB stick, You only get about 1 to 3 MB/s write speed which is an indication that there is something really weird going on here. the Utility sees the USB stick as 8144 MB in size when empty which is totally impossible, another hint that it was manipulated.


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